Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Singapore girls - a challenge to love

Star, MalaysiaFebruary 13, 2005Insight Down South By Seah Chiang Nee

The article is about the Female Singaporeans are capable people and they are just as good as the male Singaporeans that leads to the Male Inferior Complex and looking for wives outside Singapore.

Well, the factor does not lies in only in the Female Counterpart. There are afew topics that I like to touch on.

1) Globalization (The World is getting so small - the boom of the air travel industry and bridge the convenience.)
2) History (Chairman Mao once said - train the women and they will hold up the sky for you)
3) The Economy of Singapore (Conceptional View From the Top)
4) It is now A Woman's World.
5) The Problem with the System

Globalization – the growing integration of economies and societies around the world. It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial flows. The term sometimes also refers to the movement of people (labor) and knowledge (technology) across international borders. Isn't it good to marry brides from other countries? We bring in their skills and share our technology with them. So it integrates the economy and culture.

The Late Chairman Mao once said - "train the woman and they will hold up the sky for you". That was how communist China was run. The setting of State Own industries and women were train with a skilss and they run the midddle to upper management of the organization. Changes took place after Deng step down and China transformed from a Communist Country to a Socialist Country and therefore lead to the all of the State Run industries. This is because they failed to innovate and were stagnanted. These women now face retrenchment and they work go to big Cities to work and move south and to the coastal cities. Because of their situation they are also materialist like the Singaporean ladies like what some put it. (Certainly not me - I dont like shopping) When Singaporean men look for Wives in China.. they would be the most eligible ones.. reason being if they marry a Foreigner they get a greater chance to leave their country for a better life (which is their perceptive). What makes you think that China Women are not materialists and opportunties... Gong Li is a very good real life example. (if you dont know I will post it up later on - how she and director/producer Zhang)

A Woman's World
Things are cyclical - I remember when I was young my grand dad has wives not wife. Even in some parts of Malaysia many Malaysian Men have wife and mistresses. The Singaporean Ladies being more educated, well-inform, well-travelled and well-read. Their expectation of a man has risen. They decide for themselves what they really want and what is their ROI (return of Investment) Yes, Why do i say that - everything is an investment - studies - you invest time and money to gain knowledge. Relationship - you invest time and emotional to nuture a relationship - so what is your return. Just Like Shares - you go for the blue chips one that can yield high returns. Same as a man would do for their money. Since they are more intelligent and wiser with their Assets - Knowledge and their investment they are seen to be more materialistic rather then realistic. Women goes through the revolutionary changes from what they see their mom as a stay home single income earner and depending on the head of household (husband) to bring the bread and butter.. They would prefer to bring in their own bread and butter. They accepted the change that wrestle with the world to bring in bread and butter and not just the man to bring in bread and butter. However, the men felt the challenge and the mindset of men has not changed and still expect the ladies to be soft spoken and portray a demure lady and after a long day at work to still do the household chores. Man please change your mindset. It is now a Woman's World.

The Problem with the System
Due to our widely travelled Singaporean Ladies and widely travelled male Singaporeans. They compare what they see. What do they compare. Do they compare with educational background, economy background, cultural background and financial background. The Singaporean ladies may not seem intelligent enough to portray what they think Singaporean Men are looking for but the Singaporean Men Fail to see the Sincerity and truthfullnes non-hypocritical as well of the Singaporean Ladies. Singaporean ladies do not have out of convenience to get a better lifestyle to leave their country for a "better" one in their perspective.

The system here may have fail to make the men realised that changes takes place everyday and that they have to change their mindset. The system here has actually failed to groom the man to be more eloguent and also with their communication skills - (maybe because of the NS trainin they often give orders and hence their communication skills were more to giving orders rather than seeking discussion.) The man here I realised failed to hold the door open for ladies and they dont seem how to treat a lady. Most man in Singapore do not practice social grace and etitquette. This turns the ladies off. Returning to Singapore after 20years of staying abroad was like a culture shock for me. Most men are later bloomers but they were not given a second chance to be groomed. I gladly say I am glad I didnt marry a Singaporean because they do no appeal to me. Men please make yourself more appealing to the Singaporean ladies and do not blame the ladies for your fault. Remember when you uses your index finger to point at someone, you have 3 other fingers pointing at you... so examine yourself before putting the fault onto others. If Singaporean Men find it a challenge to love Singaporean Ladies - I believe the feelings are mutual.

Please do a reflection.