Module 105 - The butterfly Effect by Dr Gan
First we talk about the Mindset
Value Mindset, Edifying Mindset, Progressive Mindset.
Understanding Mental Emotions Structure and Pattern.
Our inner voices (reflect about us, what do we focus on? Our conciousness - what makes up our conciousness?)

Answers to our inner voices (Decision)

Value Mindset, Edifying Mindset, Progressive Mindset.
Understanding Mental Emotions Structure and Pattern.
Our inner voices (reflect about us, what do we focus on? Our conciousness - what makes up our conciousness?)

Answers to our inner voices (Decision)

Generate in Actions


Butterfly Effects (energy fields can be positive or negative)
(actions have be magifying to the effect that how a butterfly flutters in its wings Russia can cause a tornado in Canada.)
Scenario 1
2 person were given a task and these 2 person had to work together and handup the project together. The 2 person A & B.
A - Inner voice - B doesn't care about the relationship with me.
B - emotional gets hurt and angry.
Action taken by A do my part and ask superior to follow up.
Result happened..
B Inner Voice - why are you not understanding enough .. angry and may have perception why backstabb me .
Outcome A&B dont see eye to eye.
Butterfuly effect - eg generate gossips, developing factions, rivals, fighting and power struggle.
What Makes up our conciousness?
1) Ego - transcient structure of life.
- Default structure.
- Differential mindset (me against you - compare ourselve from others)
Basic Standpoint - (I am right you are wrong)
2) Personality constraint
What are we sensitive about?
(someone maybe more greedy, emotional proud or arrongant, a bit more sceptical, prey for cheating cases.)

Value System Vs Professional Training
Family, School Vs Accounting - rigid
Company HR Vs Programmer
Corp Values/Culture Vs Marketing - can adopt easily
Social Norms

If you regard everyone as your enemy then everyone will be your enemy.
If you regard all men are evil then any man you meet is going to be evil.
What do we care about?
Personality - sensitive about
Value System - In our bone and blood. - Social norms
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