I am a lime
I m a kaffir lime...... Just at little small lime, I am not tasty and I am ugly looking... I am sour and green in color with crumpy skin n pungent ..
Please do not compare me with an orange... a sunkist navel orange that is sweet and seedless large and golden looking..
All human do not wish to be compared. Every child has their strength and weaknesses.. they are not the same eventhough they may grow up in the same environment.. Lime and orange are citrus fruit but ... they look different, taste different, different aroma... But they are for here different purposes.. so they can enhance the taste of others..
So every child is different they can grow and benefit different situation...
I am a lime, an ugly looking lime, not good for lime juice... not good for garnishing maybe only for cooking. I am useless at other things but maybe good for something triggering people to blow their top, getting people on their nerves. People hates me and I am not popular and a rare commodity in the market maybe that is what I am..... I have no friends just a lonely soul till the end of my life.
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