Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Letting It Go or it literally translate to "When You Pick Up, You Must able to Put it Down"

Life is such that in our journey... we meet other travellers who are on the same journey of life and maybe we are commuting to the same destination but some will arrived their destination earlier then others. Some may board the transport earlier then others but arrived at their destionation earlier then others..

Some are on longer journey as their have more stops in their journey of life and may meet more commuters then others and see them getting off at their destination.

This person (assuming it is me - Silk) I am on this journey of life.. I met many people on this journey and I for each commuters I met, I collect a piece of gold ingot and my hands are full of ingots and this gold ingots are so precious to me I carry them all the time. It gets heavier and as I the people i met each stops increase.

I am holding to this gold ingots and they are so special to me because they are gold to me. I am thirsty and hungry.. what am I supppose to with. I need the water and the food or I will die of thirst and hunger.

I Silk have to learn to put donw the ingot and so that I can quench my thirst inorder to survive the journey or I will be thirst to death.

I learn to release the ingot to drink my glass of water to quench my thirst.. Now my thirst is quenched, I need the food so I can get on with my journey but there goes my gold ingots....

This interprets as this..
If I hold on to my pass and the emotions of what has happened and not able to let them go. I would not be able to move on with my life and too emotional attached to the sorrows and happiness of the past. I would go insane and would even take my own life as I would died of thirst.

So in life we must learn how to let things go at times.