Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hell Took Over

Year 2006 was the year of the Dog…. Truly it was a dog’s year. Nothing changes - the sun still shine, the job is there but the mindset was not….

The Year of the Dog – those who were born in the year of the Dog seem to be have clashed with the Grand Duke – the Lord on Duty….

Hell took over…

Nothing seems terrific – I have job with a school that was 5 minutes drive from my home. The HOD was soft spoken. Fully dependant, everyone in that organization was out all out and everyone was enthusiastic. Enthusiastic on how to use the Swiss Arm Knife and the knife used by “Lee Junior” (Siu Lee but was he was good in flying daggers) Didn’t understand … Teachers to CSO to OSO were keen about back stabbing.

The HOD of IT was harmless and of great similarity of a bull or buffalo in mud ( lazy and only to be lead by the owner. He sticks his ass out to be kick and the head out to be shot as he had no directions for whatever is happening in the school.

I should be enjoying my life not having much to do and however there were loose young bitches throwing her weights around and seducing the secondary school kids and bribing them. I wasn’t too bothered by that.

I didn’t my work according to the amount I was paid and certainly with peanuts I only employ monkeys to do it. So it wasn’t interesting.

I look for other excitement but they didn’t seem to come life was boring and always threading in dangerous water. The string broke and the animals were lose and Hell took over where there were quarrels after quarrels and ………….