Painless Death
Many Fear the Kiss of Death... I look forward to it. Death is where my soul can be free, free of suffering, free from the world pain.
Painless is death is the solution.
Deprive your body of the food slowly and the body will soon be used to it. The shrinking of your stomach and you would not consume much and as it gets smaller. Soon food will be rejected by the body. This is a slow process but it surely do it.
Consumption of highly toxic substance that damages your internal organs that it malfunction and damage the senses and therefore pain is less. (Process is fast and ugly with frothing.)
Overdosing of medication.
It damages the liver first because the liver has to clean up the amount of toxic substance and you would go into comma and leads to a painless death.
In life there is a going and coming... you come without clothes in a mass of blood and out cry for breath. We leave in the silence taking our last breath. There will always be unacomplish task as we leave. We have to let the unaccomplish for task for others to gain the glory and step into the limelight. I want to leave this world in silence because there is nothing left here for me. I wish to move on to the next world