Is Love Sufficient to Sustain a relationship
I love you till the end of time. I will never stop loving you. I love you still the rocks erode.. These are expressions of one pledging their love for another. Love is a 4 letter that means lot to some and it may also means a time to take advantage of the other party..
Love or Lust? Committed or to take advantage of the the person in love. When you fall in love... it last forever.... it moves mountains and cross the ocean..I cross the ocean for the one you love.
The door is open and you enter into a relationship you. You enter the relationship willingly. There was no sign indicated that trespasser will be prosecuted. Love makes you feel giddy headed and day dreams of things that you would do together, a walk by the beach eaching off each other's fingers and sharing a hot dog, riding a bike together.. When all is done and all that is said it would come to a time of silence... a deafing silence when each is doing things on their own. Communication cease. Each party maybe doing things differently reading a book by yourself, and the other party may seem busy on the computer maybe chatting up another party..
Then comes a time when each words seems to turn into irritation rather then a sense of love and concern.. One would find it unbearable with the heartache of argument begins...
hmmmm how do you guage a relationship ... shall we use the Product Life Cyle to analyse a relationship.
How shall we do this ... Assuming that Love is a product and the 2party are the consumers
Love is the product consumed by the two parties. It is a free market and they met a place that is condusive to fall in love. The price they pay for this relationship that is time spending together or they can do something else better. Promotion... the communication between both parties to know each other better . So that is the basic 4 Ps of market
Place, Product, Promotion and Price
So in the begining they the product launch between the two parties met at place it was introduction and getting to know each other better through a series of dating is the growth stage and they when a relationship proceeds to a marriage it has reached maturity and when it ends up in a divorce or a then the relationship turns sour it has reached the declining stage. So in order to prolong the life of the you would need to inject more actiivities or let the relationship reached it declining stage and look for other alternative products to re-enter the market. Well there are more to it ... I have not talk about the BCG whereby you would analyse if it is a cow or do or a star.... Come back for more