Monday, February 28, 2005


What is USANA? You may ask? Well, it is a health supplements created by one of the doctors... what is his name? Certainly not dr liew. he he he :P Dr Myron Wentz..

It was introduced to me last year but I was too busy with my studies and work and so i decided to put on hold after tested out some glucosamine... till my coach inviteed me to his house for the new year dinner... Then i saw that product again and then i said yah i want that gulcosamine again... can you get that for me? Well he said yes and i bought it and for $55 and of course your got the points for his products...

So y do i want to let him earn the point for my consumption.. so i decided to take the product i earn my own points. Today I signed up as a member of and immediately... i got my products and he cant get my points he he he thinking of $$$ so i got someone working below me and when she buys her stuff i get to get my points tooooo he he he

Isnt that great... he he he e

LIfe is great....

Saturday, February 26, 2005


Today I like to talk about the word assassin - Assassin is to kill. It is every easy word to remember. When some one is terrible and you hated him/her and dying to kill him/her. You will see the person as a very "toxic" person as the posterior opening of a human being. So therefore to spell the word is double posterior opening. What is in the posterior opening in the human body? It is the dump. The trash of your body which is toxic smell and dirty.

To spell the word you break it down to ass ass in (wherever the place is) ha ha ha
the what about the word assassinator?

How this word came to my mind was during training today. We were sharing our experiences we had with one of the supplier of equipments to the club... Many archers were aware of his behaviour and were very unhappy with his services to the extend that someone ask why hot train us to become assassin... ha ha ha

I will carry on tomorrow

Monday, February 21, 2005

Food and More Food

After waking up from my nap of pimms no 1 and ikan bilis. I feel kind of hungry there are a few options for me. Wash the vegetables and cook the dumplings in the freezer or cook a packet of instant noodles to satisfy my hunger OR dig into my survival kit for can food. All options seem too "mar fun" too complicated... all the soaking washing of vegetables and cutting them eat and then wash the pots, plates, bowls and utensils....

The option of digging into my survival kit of can food sounds more attractive because no washing and of utensils and no soaking.... all i need is wash the can opener, take the can food open it up and then eat it no cooking required... brilliant idea.

Dig, dig.. can sardine.. (too fishy) dig dig ...mince pork.... too salty... need to eat with congee.. dig tuna in brine... not in the mood for ryvita and tuna... sigh.... no hope to satisfy my craving... for food. As I look up.... "tink" Ahhhhhh oh yes yes yes.... that is goooood.... my can of abalone is sitting comfortably on the shelf with my coffee..

He he, blink blink... wash wash the can opener, wash the bowl, all ready for the operation. Puncture the can and drain of the brine in from the can. Now open the can carefully and ply open the cover and found one whole abalone and a miserable quarter of it... he he now dying to test these NewMoon abalone... got my fork pierce into the abalone and hmmmm... a too salty.. the red can australian Abalone is not as good as the pink can.. abalone.... because the high content of Sodium chloride in the brine kills the original taste of the abalone... great disappoint...
Open up my fridge and munchy munchy on my ikan billis..

After all that hardwork of clearn and washing the can opener.. and the bowl, fork and knife the effort seems wasted because the taste of the abalone is killed.... should eaten my pacific clam... no need to slice with knife just eat it with my fork... :(

Pzzzchhhhh... open another can of 7up to go with my pimms no 1 and my ikan billis is better...

So folks dont think that it is better when the prize is higher... then the other range of product in the company... remember the people who are doing the canning process are diffferent. Just like making dumplings... you can have the same ingredients but methods may differ..... that is why you need to understand quality management.

Just in case you crave for dumplings. I have here a receipe for making the shanhainess "wor tip" or potsticker.

For Filling:
1 cup stems of Chinese Cabbage/ or "wong nga pak"
8 oz fresh pork , ground /
2 tablespoons cilantro
1 tablespoon chopped chives
1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
Good pinch of pepper
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon light soy sauce
2 teaspoons sesame oil
2 teaspoons Shaoxing rice wine
1 tablespoon cornstarch

For pastry:
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup boiling water
2 tablespoons peanut oil, for frying
1/2 cup Family Chicken Broth (see recipe) or water
FOR FILLING: Blanch the cabbage in a pot of boiling water just to soften, drain well. Squeeze the water out between paper towels.
Combine the cabbage with the remaining filling ingredients in a large bowl. Beat and knead until the mixture is soft and clingy. Chill in the refrigerator.
FOR DOUGH: Sift the flour into a stainless-steel bowl. Add the boiling water gradually, mixing with a wooden spoon until a fairly thick, soft dough forms. Cover with a damp cloth and set aside for 30 minutes.
Remove the dough to a floured work surface, and knead for another minute or 2 until the dough is smooth and pliable. Divide mixture in half.
Roll each piece of dough into a 3/4 x 5-inch sausage. Cut each sausage into about 10 pieces. Press each piece into a circle with the palm of the hand and roll into 3-inch rounds.
TO ASSEMBLE: Place 1 1/2 teaspoons of the filling into each round, close the edges together, pleating the side farthest away and seal together. (The dumpling is slightly curved because of the stretching of one side.)
Place the dumplings into a bamboo steamer and steam over boiling water for 15 minutes. Remove and let cool. Place the dumplings into a thick-based skillet. Add enough peanut oil to cover one-third of the dumplings. Raise the heat and fry the dumplings for 2-3 minutes, until the bottoms become crispy and lightly browned. Sprinkle a little water into the pan to create a little steam, cover with a lid, and reduce heat to prevent burning the bottoms of the dumplings. Shake the pan a little from time to time and continue to pan-fry and steam for another 4-5 minutes. Remove and serve.

Have fun...

Good night... I am going to have my sweet dreams... of my food....

Friday, February 18, 2005

Rose Petals for aromatherapy. Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 17, 2005

My Favourite Fragrance

Fragrance can help relieve stress. Whenever you are stress try sniff some fragrances it can help to calm you and your mind down. Fragrances can help to heal and calm your body. That is how aromatherapy started.

However, the wrong way of using aromatherapy oil can be harmful. Some like to like ased room the the lited candle it is dangerous, reason being the you will be fighting for oxygen with the with candle as the candle burns combustion takes place and oxygen is need to keep the candle burning and carbon dioxide is given. The room can be filled with carbon dioxide.

What I would usually do is to bathe myself with my favourite bath/shower gel and apply the body lotion of the same fragrance and of course of the same range of products... eg rose shower gel, rose body cream, rose talcum powder followed of the same range of products... eg rose shower gel, rose body cream, rose talcum powder followed by rose parfum. Apply a lay of the product of the same made and same fragrance lay by lay. This is call layering. Go to bed with your favourite fragrance and you will have sweet dreams..

This is what i like to do... fill the bath tub with water.. add in the rose fragrnce bath gel... fill the tub with petals of 9 roses. Bath and relax it in... Remember.. you have a stressful day.. dont rush through your bath or shower but stop and smell the roses. Are you doing it? You may have a nerve racking superior that tell you do things last minute and thinks that is exciting whereas for you it is nerve racking for you... so when you get home relax with fragrances..

An Advice from an experience estheticienne

Here are some properties of some fragrance

Geranium - Comforting, Healing
Properties ( Antifungal, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Diuretic)
Contra-indication - Geranium may irritate sensitive skin. Avoid use during pregnancy due to antispasmodic properties.

Lavendar - Calming, Therapeutic
Properties - Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Diuretic, Insecticide, Sedative
Contra-indication - Lavender should not be used during the early stages of pregnancy. Use Lavender with caution if you have low blood pressure.

Rose - Relaxing
Properties - Antibacterial, Antidepressant, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Astringent, Diuretic, Sedative

Ylang Ylang - Stimulating
Properties - Antidepressant, Antiseptic, Aphrodisiac, Sedative
Uses -
High Blood Pressure
Intestinal Problems
Sexual Dysfunction

Contra- indications - Ylang Ylang may irritate sensitive skin. Do not use on inflammatory skin conditions and dermatitis. Ylang Ylang has a strong aroma and may cause headaches.

Rosemary - Analgesic, Antidepressant, Antirheumatic, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Decongestant, Diuretic, Stimulant
Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds,Healing Wounds, Nervous Tension, Respiratory Conditions, Skin Care (mature/aging skin), Uterine Tonic (can be used for heavy periods and massage following childbirth)
Properties - Rosemary has antispasmodic properties and should not be used during pregnancy or if you have high blood pressure or epilepsy.

Neroli - Relaxing
Properties - (Antidepressant, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Sedative) Contra-indications (Neroli has antispasmodic properties and should not be used during pregnancy)

This product that I always make it available for my Dearest

Vetiver - Relaxing
Properties - Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiseptic, Sedative
Cleanses the Aura (energy field around the body) to keep out disease
Skin Disorders (acne, aging skin)

Contra- Indications: - None known

Have a relaxing Evening and a nice day ahead.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Singapore girls - a challenge to love

Star, MalaysiaFebruary 13, 2005Insight Down South By Seah Chiang Nee

The article is about the Female Singaporeans are capable people and they are just as good as the male Singaporeans that leads to the Male Inferior Complex and looking for wives outside Singapore.

Well, the factor does not lies in only in the Female Counterpart. There are afew topics that I like to touch on.

1) Globalization (The World is getting so small - the boom of the air travel industry and bridge the convenience.)
2) History (Chairman Mao once said - train the women and they will hold up the sky for you)
3) The Economy of Singapore (Conceptional View From the Top)
4) It is now A Woman's World.
5) The Problem with the System

Globalization – the growing integration of economies and societies around the world. It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial flows. The term sometimes also refers to the movement of people (labor) and knowledge (technology) across international borders. Isn't it good to marry brides from other countries? We bring in their skills and share our technology with them. So it integrates the economy and culture.

The Late Chairman Mao once said - "train the woman and they will hold up the sky for you". That was how communist China was run. The setting of State Own industries and women were train with a skilss and they run the midddle to upper management of the organization. Changes took place after Deng step down and China transformed from a Communist Country to a Socialist Country and therefore lead to the all of the State Run industries. This is because they failed to innovate and were stagnanted. These women now face retrenchment and they work go to big Cities to work and move south and to the coastal cities. Because of their situation they are also materialist like the Singaporean ladies like what some put it. (Certainly not me - I dont like shopping) When Singaporean men look for Wives in China.. they would be the most eligible ones.. reason being if they marry a Foreigner they get a greater chance to leave their country for a better life (which is their perceptive). What makes you think that China Women are not materialists and opportunties... Gong Li is a very good real life example. (if you dont know I will post it up later on - how she and director/producer Zhang)

A Woman's World
Things are cyclical - I remember when I was young my grand dad has wives not wife. Even in some parts of Malaysia many Malaysian Men have wife and mistresses. The Singaporean Ladies being more educated, well-inform, well-travelled and well-read. Their expectation of a man has risen. They decide for themselves what they really want and what is their ROI (return of Investment) Yes, Why do i say that - everything is an investment - studies - you invest time and money to gain knowledge. Relationship - you invest time and emotional to nuture a relationship - so what is your return. Just Like Shares - you go for the blue chips one that can yield high returns. Same as a man would do for their money. Since they are more intelligent and wiser with their Assets - Knowledge and their investment they are seen to be more materialistic rather then realistic. Women goes through the revolutionary changes from what they see their mom as a stay home single income earner and depending on the head of household (husband) to bring the bread and butter.. They would prefer to bring in their own bread and butter. They accepted the change that wrestle with the world to bring in bread and butter and not just the man to bring in bread and butter. However, the men felt the challenge and the mindset of men has not changed and still expect the ladies to be soft spoken and portray a demure lady and after a long day at work to still do the household chores. Man please change your mindset. It is now a Woman's World.

The Problem with the System
Due to our widely travelled Singaporean Ladies and widely travelled male Singaporeans. They compare what they see. What do they compare. Do they compare with educational background, economy background, cultural background and financial background. The Singaporean ladies may not seem intelligent enough to portray what they think Singaporean Men are looking for but the Singaporean Men Fail to see the Sincerity and truthfullnes non-hypocritical as well of the Singaporean Ladies. Singaporean ladies do not have out of convenience to get a better lifestyle to leave their country for a "better" one in their perspective.

The system here may have fail to make the men realised that changes takes place everyday and that they have to change their mindset. The system here has actually failed to groom the man to be more eloguent and also with their communication skills - (maybe because of the NS trainin they often give orders and hence their communication skills were more to giving orders rather than seeking discussion.) The man here I realised failed to hold the door open for ladies and they dont seem how to treat a lady. Most man in Singapore do not practice social grace and etitquette. This turns the ladies off. Returning to Singapore after 20years of staying abroad was like a culture shock for me. Most men are later bloomers but they were not given a second chance to be groomed. I gladly say I am glad I didnt marry a Singaporean because they do no appeal to me. Men please make yourself more appealing to the Singaporean ladies and do not blame the ladies for your fault. Remember when you uses your index finger to point at someone, you have 3 other fingers pointing at you... so examine yourself before putting the fault onto others. If Singaporean Men find it a challenge to love Singaporean Ladies - I believe the feelings are mutual.

Please do a reflection.

Monday, February 14, 2005

With Love......... Silk Posted by Hello

My Heart Belongs To YOU

Happy Valentine... It is not that I love you only on Valentine's Day.. I love YOU Everyday of my Life since the day I got to know you.. This Rose is Specially for YOU. Bought the Rose, Trimmed it and Took a picture. All done for the Love of YOU.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Here is my Heart and the Rose Posted by Hello

February 13 1998

This is the day I remember, I was in Hong Kong and was my very first time and experience such a feeling. A day for me to remember. You know who you are to share this experience with me. You had done it to me. I am writing it here to tell you that that I have not forgotten this day.

This is a mechanical Broadhead  Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Living In Sin

When the headlines Prince Charles to marry Camilla, the thing that came to my mind was this scandalous, adulterous public figure in the world. I really have no respect for this couple. In the International Heral Tribune Charles will put an official seal to their 3 decades romance.. 30 years of romance even thought he was married to Princess Diana, and this has proved that it is Charles has been cheating on Diana or rather Diana was just a for show public figure.

I am Robin Hood, I will shoot him to death. Using a broadhead arrow and put it through his most vulnerable part of his body, and then, I put it tie him up and let him see reflect what he has done is right or wrong. I hate man who are not able to look into the needs of their wife or the woman whom they chose to marry.

If a man can marry 4 wives and the 4 wives can live in harmony then I would say that is good management, but a man who cannot even take care of his wife and yet have extra-marital affairs that is what I cannot accept and do not respect for that man.

Do You fall into this category or are you feeling guilty? Which category do you fall you. Guilty or not Guilty? Want to see a spitfire broadhead?

Thursday, February 10, 2005

A Cosy Afternoon Posted by Hello

Booze And Lose of Some Clowns

It is always this time of the year that many people I know in my previous industries that I worked in turns Loose and starts to booze. New Year is always the time...when you are expected to booze and people in the service industries.. tends to play "show hand" another word for "poker" which is testing of your guts. Not only people in the service industries does that. People in the construction or blue collar industries does that too. Guess that is the way they release their $$$ to the some influential People in the industries to gain preference.

Some doctors booze too and they are the most pervert people on earth. They would drink the best wine as their believe their liver can only withstand a certain limit of toxins so why not take only the best. In whatever industries you are, there bound to be some black sheeps may not be all. People tend to condemn a certain people from a certain industries just because of some black sheeps. For their perceptions are " when you close to the pearls, one would be pure and clean, while those who are close to "ink" tends to be black. Have you not hear of coloured ink such are gold, silver, red, pink and even white ? ha ha ha

Booze or no Booze, Loose or Lose - the choice is always in your hands.

Some of my favourite drinks

- Rose Wine with cheese
- Bailey's Irish Cream with Tea
- Campari Orange
- Shirley Temple
- Orange Juice with Mango Juice
- Tomato Juice with Worchestor sauce, a dash of pepper and serve with a celery stick
- Cherry brandy 7up
- Apricot Brandy with 7 up
- Cordon Bleu neat.

Drinks are meant to enjoy and not be drunk and get drunk.... It can help to stimulate your appetite and these drinks are knowns as Aperitif. If you were to look up in the dictionary you will get this "An alcoholic drink taken as an appetizer before a meal. " Drinks that falls into this category are - sherry, vermouth, campari and some others. (Sherry and vermouth - sweet and dry.) Sherry can be use for cooking such soup. slurp slurp.

Cognac is a region (vicinty) in France and grapes grown in this area. The brandy that is distilled and bottled in this vicinity is known as Cognac. It is usually served with coffee and tea. (Liqueur)

What is Liqueur? Liqueur is a strong flavoured alcoholic beverages typically served in small quantities after dinner. Such as Tia Maria, Bailey's, Khalua, Grand Marnier and so on.

Choose a wine for you meal is very important...
Some Bengs do not sip cognac but they practically glup it down to waste. The might as well drink the rubbing alcohol. (What is most "untengable" (a word that was created by my college mates when I was in studying in Hong Kong.) are some Rich Bengs who pour cognac into their Sharksfin soup. They try very hard to dine with class but out of place. -_-"

I will talk about the wine list later, when I am in the mood. Right now I am sipping a glass of Pimms No 1 with my precious... and enjoy the chips on a hot day. Listening to some songs at home to avoid the hot sun and the new year crowd. Enjoying my holiday till work resumes tomorrow.

My Precious n Me Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Contact Time

He He He some TCs doesn't like contact time.. I don't like it too but somehow i find my way to entertain myself during this period. Each time when the TC speaks or present their concerns. I would quietly mark how many pause fillers and I really wish I shoot an arrow on their back each time they uses one. What are pause fillers... he he he ... They are expressions that is redundant and when presenters or speaks uses these words while they are thinking.

These words include um, er, ah, lips smacking, alright, right, Ok, and um, lah

I am so glad that no one realises that I am doing this and each time they speak I would think of my toastmaster's training if I could fine them a dollar each. Best part is some of them are English Language TCs and one of them is the Head of the department. Seems like her favourite is 'and um'. There is also an Ah Beng TC who happens to be in the English Language Department and he uses Lah too. Best part is that they dont know they are being track by me a little nobody and yet evaluating them as they speaks. Why I am doing this? It seems to me that most TC in that particular department are snobs... except of the few handful who are not.

For those who reads my log and go the same meeting as you do, you know who I am refereing to. If you know then open ears this new year and listen and take note of how many paws they have taken for their launch and uses them the pause fillers in the meeting. he he he

Have a cockadoodledoo year. Wake up early and crow in the morning... which you all do every morning during assemble. ke ke ke

Monday, February 07, 2005

Eve of the Eve

February 07 2005, Monday, The eve of the eve of the Lunar New Year.... In another words they like to call it Chinese new year... But by right it should be known as Lunar New Year because you follow the Moon. Therefore it is call the Lunar.

It has to fall on Monday and already I suffering from my Monday Blues... Yet having to do the shopping for new year. Hate the crowd in the supermarkets and ailse of these supermarkets are good only for single pile yet this lady got the cheeks( she got 4 cheeks two on her face and two on her bottom/posterior) to say " squeeze me" "squeeze me" I think she meant "excuse me" Harlo!!!! you need to get but I need to get out... WTF I don't have the time to squeeze you wherever you want,. Dumb nut.. where she thinks she is?

Shopping is one of the most boring thing that only boring people who have nothing to do but go the shops and supermarket to waste their time make rounds and rounds. Why cant these people stay home and do their ordering online if they are buying in bulk. It saves their time, transportation and hassle. Really goonduski.

In fact there are hell of alot of goonduski around in floating in this world... Most of them are literate but uneducated.. Some are holding middle management level in organization and have gone throughout formal education but fail to exercise their brains. Especially those who play soccer. Mainly those who play soccer uses only their body muscles such as legs, body and head to dodge the ball and maybe suffer some head/brain damage that their could think properly.

I find these people un-refine they are a pool of people with no brains but to chase a ball. Just like kids. To me they are like retarded kids with chase after the ball that is why soccer are not play by people in the Higher level of management. Soccer are play by people who are just workers in the lowest category of the organization hierachy. People in the middle management plays tennis and those in upper management people play golf cos the higher you go in management the ball (target) gets smaller and people with lower EQ and IQ would chase after a bigger ball.

Imagine if archers were to share field with soccer. I think they will be running and with arrows in their body and soon the player gets lesser and lesser. I think that is really cool. The archers would have life target to shoot so there isnt any need for archers to go the woods to to seek live targets. I think archers would be most happy to share field with soccer players. So that archers can have life targets. ha ha ha you dont need to to ride on horse back to shoot live targets. I am looking forward to the days to come where I can shoot live targets.

It is always easier to answer a silly questions then to correct a silly mistakes.
However, people who make silly mistakes dont learn anyway so they will go on making silly mistakes.

Have a lunatic New Year (with all the rushing to JB to stretch the dollar and rushing back with the goods and getting into trouble with customs) . Some would rush back to their home town in Malaysia and then rush back. Isn't that lunatic.

Sports Science

Someone asked me this evening - what is sports science? ha ha I was able to answer that question. he he Does that mean I am more intelligent then the person who asked that question?
I am not going to discuss about who is more intelligent? Well, comparing the amount of salt taken by me and the person who ask me that question I wouldn't compare the amount of salt that is taken by enquirer maybe he or she enjoys extremely salty food and may have added more salt to his/her food then mine.

So what is sports science all about? Sports Pyschology?

What are the topics you cover in sports science
1) Food and Nutrition

2) Dietary Supplements

3) Aging

4) Sports Psychology
Sports injuring
Eating Disorder
Improve Performance

5) Hydration
Pre-competitive meal

6) Environmental Condition and Training.

he he dont I sound like an expert.. better not talk too much then you think why I know everything and makes you feel stupid or ignorant. So I talk less and listen more. I am just the same level as you are know just a little more then you.

Happy New Year.

Why must Roses be RED and Violets be Blue?
Why must you break my heart in Two?

If Roses are Green and Violets are Pink
I'll be Queen and you'll be KING.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Mood for Love

February is the time for love, February is the season for Love.... Valentine's Day fall on the February 14 and the 15th day of the Ist month of the lunar calendar. Most of the time, the lunar new year often fall in the month of February and somehow the 15th day of the Ist lunar calendar is not too far away from Feb 14.

When it comes to the season for Love - retailers are the one making money out from these "suckers" those who blindly celebrates the season for love.... February 14. Where they exchange gifts by love ones... Some clowns would die to have a partner so that he/she could date on Valentine's Day.. How senseless. When you dine out, all resturants are crowded and prices increase because retailers and sees Valentine's day as a day of opportunity for them to increase their income from the foolish consumers. Apart from restuarant being crowded, the service and food is usually lousy because it is crowded.

In actual fact, Valentine's Day started because of this priest who defied Emperor Claudius by performaning Holy Matrimonies for the young lovers in secret and when Emperor Claudius found out. He was ordered to put to death. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honor St. Valentine. How sad and people has now commercialized it and making big money out of this day.

I do not celebrate valentine not because I have no one to celebrate with... eventhough if I do... I would want to go to eateries and wait for hours for seat and eat the same food as others a set menu.... and pay a bomb for it. Secondly, I do not wish to fall out of love so as to fall in love on Valentine's day. Those who celebrate valentine's day... does that mean that you partner would only buy you gifts only on valentine's day and will take you out only on valentine's day and he/she will not love you the other 364 days of the year.

As for me it is Valentine's day for 365 days a year where I serve my partner breakfast in bed and i do not get a maid to do it but i prepare every single detail by myself.

Last night I had a fantasy-A fantasy of me and you.
It seemed so incredibly real,I almost thought it was true.
We were walking along the ocean shore,
And the wind blew against my face.
Slowly you put your arms around me,
Next, I was wrapped in your embrace.
I turned around and looked at you,
My soul got lost in your eyes.
We just stood there by the oceanUnderneath the velvet sky.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Happy Birthday Claudia

Happy Birthday Claudia!! I am so glad you answered my call... he he he. We gonna make brownies and eat it with ice cream or shall we eat brownies with ice at Mandarin Hotel. I know you love it.

Each time I go to Mandarin Hotel, it reminds me years ago that I used to walk home from Mandarin hotel after my night shift and I remember on one incident, I constantly met this person who walks Bideford Road. If you are the acquaintance who walk with me... I still think of you today. I remember you told that I have a nice scarf that was what you tried to strike a conversation with me.. :)

Years have passed and Bideford has shortened and has gone through a face lift.. nevertheless, I have not forgotten the personality that walks with me in the late hours of the night.

Rose are red, Violets are blue
I remember you and you remember me too.

Name of Places
Bahrain, Bangkok, Gatwick, Hong Kong, Hangzhou, Jakarta, Los Angeles, Nagoya, Narita, Osaka, Sydney, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Taiwan.

Names of People.

Anna Lee, Irene Chee, Bernadette Bong, Aida, Caroline, May Lim, Yoko Lim, Derbie Lim, Kit, Sylvia Wong, Elsa, May, Furia, Miss Chatlani aka Mrs Modwani... Bena, Sue Harvey... Juana, Mrs Davies, Mrs Beattie.. Shirley Ang.... LWS.... John Lam.. Olivia.. Rowena... Marianna Mah, Au Yeung, David Ching, Paul Mak, Gregory Kwok, Spencer.. Jackson... Vitus... Grace - Canada... Lai Kum Seng... David Brown, Cecilia Tay, Tan STS.. Cinderalla Wu, Nora Tann, Wilson Law, Kin Cheng..Ronald Sham, Wong CHE & Philip Chan, Ong PSD, Hilda Malaiholo,

Names of some non existing People

Ansen Li, Susanna Ramli,Choon Kee,

You are remember too...
We played in the park in Tsim Sha Tsui, the over head bridge in Tokyu and New World Hotel...and I remember Bishan too.

Mother I love you most....but I do not love the others any less, then who is to love me in return? A heart is cold n has lost it soul..

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I feel very down this morning, felt very down, I try not to think about all things that are unhappy. I buried myself with work. I felt very useless. I couldn't help feeling small after all the exchanged of words last and from previous firing. I cant do things right and not up to his expectations. Then what am I good for?

I have a memory of an elephant for those who hurt me and I cannot forgot those words. When I recall I feel so small and useless. What am I here for? I want to live my life the way I wish to and not to others' expectation. It is my life I have the right to choose...I have the right to choose to live or to die.

I have the right to choose the way I want to die..Even if I live or die it doesnt makes any difference. No one needs me to be around, Claudia is a grown up.... She has her dad and her friends.... She talks to her friends about her problem more then talking to me...Her father thinks that I am a bad influence to her .... He can think all he wants... because he is trying to make up for what he loss.

If a glass is broken, how could you mend it back... even glue cannot do a perfect job... it has marks. Wound will heal but scars remains. .... I miss my mother and my son... I wish and I hope I can see them and communicate with them. Mom I love you, do you know....?

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Your Qualifications does not Ascertain your Performance

People tend to link one's performance with one's qualification. People then to think that those with higher qualification can performan better. People failed to realized that what they learn from the book are theories and in realy life the theories may not be applicable to the situation.

Moreover, theories does not involved with the emotions of the situation. Therefore it is not possible for one to apply the theories to real life situations. In a real life situation, one may have to apply more then one theory to a single situation.

Assuming a person is not good in his or her communications skills but has been to the toastmasters and has completed his/her 10 project speeches and achieved a title Competent Toastmaster (CTM) that means this person's communication skills has improved but what is the degree it all depends. So we cannot say that a person with a CTM title must be a better speaker or communicator then those who didnt join the toastmasters' club.

A person with a degree does not necessary be better then those who have not gain a degree. It all depends on one's initiative, attitude, aptitude to determind the altitude. A person without a degree does not necessary be less efficient, intelligent then those who are holding a degree.

If you remember my last quote "Some drink from the fountain of knowledge .... some just gargle."

Think about it but do not stress yourself with what I wrote.